5-Day Hot Metabolism Booster

Bust a plateau. Lose as much as 5-10 pounds in 5 days. Prevent rebound weight gain so common on most “crash” diets

How It Works

The Hot Metabolism Cocktail, due to its high water content, helps you to get filled up and stay fuller longer while keeping calories down. According to research performed at Penn State, individuals who consumed soups twice a day lost twice as much weight as study participants who ate foods with equivalent calories. The soup-like consistency of the cocktail triggers this effect and contains many fat flushing super foods for an optimum nutritional boost.


Enjoy the cocktail three times a day, and stick to these healthy foods for the rest of your daily menu:

  • Beverages: Drinking plenty of water between meals is a fundamental principle of Fat Flushing, in general.
  • Protein: By filling up on lean protein (eggs, fish, seafood, poultry, and whey) you can raise  your metabolism by roughly 25 percent.
  • Veggies: Green and low-starch vegetables help to further detox your system while you increase fat burning.
  • Fats: Including another tablespoon of olive oil, in addition to what is in the cocktail will keep you satisfied so you can better stave off hunger pains. (Good fats are the most potent blood-sugar stabilizers)
  • Fruits: Berries, rich in fiber and flavonoids, combine with whey protein to provide a high-volume breakfast or snack.

Sample Menu


Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Booster Cocktail

Morning Snack:

2 hard-boiled eggs with a pinch of dry mustard


Turkey and Veggie Lettuce Wrap

Afternoon Snack:

Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Booster Cocktail


Grilled scallops, steamed yellow squash and zucchini with garlic

Before Bed:

Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Booster Cocktail

Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail

Makes 1 serving

Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail

1 large ripe tomato, or 8 ounces V8 or Knudsen’s Very Veggie Juice

½ cup fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice

½ cup filtered water (unless using juice)

Handful of fresh parsley Handful of fresh cilantro

1 green onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/8 teaspoon cayenne (or as desired)

2 teaspoons olive oil

½ teaspoon Seaweed Gomasio

½ teaspoon Flora-Key (or powdered probiotic of your choice)

1 tablespoon chia seeds

6 ice cubes


Combine all ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached. By eliminating wheat, dairy, yeast, and salty or acidic seasonings you will actually trigger your body to release pounds of unnecessary fluid. Your plateau will be a thing of the past as your body purges accumulated fat and fluid from its tissues. Think of it, the “new you” is only three days away! Even better, you don’t have to stop with a 3-day transformation! Check out the complete Fat Flush Plan principles and exercise regimen. You can make your slimming results even more dramatic—pre-holiday, post-holiday and beyond.

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