Original Fat Flush Water
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Serves: 8 ounce glass
Our signature Fat Flush Cran-Water contains water mixed with pure unsweetened cranberry juice. You can mix it up in the morning and sip on it throughout the day -- we recommend 64-ounces (eight 8-ounce glasses) daily. Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic and packed with flavonoids, enzymes and organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid, and quinic acid which have an emulsifying effect on stubborn fat deposits in the lymphatic system. With the help of the organic acid components, cranberry juice digests stagnated lymphatic wastes. Even if you're not following a specific diet or trying to lost weight, you can sip this tart and refreshing beverage daily to help flush out water weight, balance blood sugar, improve cellulite and keep you liver and lymph in optimum cleansing mode.
  • 1 ounce 100% pure unsweetened cranberry juice*
  • 7 ounces water
  1. Mix water and unsweetened cranberry juice together in a large glass.
  2. To save time during the day, mix a full batch (64 ounces) in the morning -- add 1 cup (8 oz) cranberry juice to a half-gallon container and fill the rest with water.
*Look for brands like Knudsen, Trader Joe's, Mountain Sun, or Simple Truth available at your supermarket or health food store.
Recipe by Fat Flush at https://fatflush.com/fat-flush-water-does-it-work/