The Fat Flush Plan

The New York Times bestselling diet plan that revolutionized weight loss in America!

The Fat Flush Plan

The Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS., includes detailed meal plans and recipes, an ongoing weight loss program, tips on eating out, and a newly developed lifestyle program for complete detox dieting. This unique, groundbreaking program targets cleansing the liver—the largest, most versatile organ in the body—and the one most essential to maintaining optimal body weight.

Based on a satisfying, healthful, and cleansing combination of essential fats, balanced proteins, and quality carbohydrates, this detoxifying process boosts the liver’s ability to function at its highest level, accelerating weight loss while improving your health.

The Fat Flush Plan has three distinct phases, all created to help you lose weight and to cleanse your body, giving you new energy and vibrancy:

Phase 1
The 2-Week Fat Flush

A quick-start plan to boost the liver’s ability to burn fat and accelerate weight loss. Some individuals report up a loss of up to 12 inches during this first phase of the diet!

Phase 2
The Ongoing Fat Flush

A moderate plan for continued weight loss. Maintain your cleansing momentum with more varied food choices. Phase 2 is designed for ongoing weight loss, until you reach your desired weight or size.

Phase 3
The Lifestyle Eating Plan

A maintenance program for lifetime weight control designed to increase your vitality and well-being for life.

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